suki reese
star walker
Greetings dearest beloveds
Here is a summary of my work
The Sessions that are offered are a GRAND cleansing & restoration of the etheric body. The sessions are ceremony with the ELOHIM (ARCH ANGELS) and DEITY merged with hypnosis. This is a vision quest, an astral journey. These are ancient teachings and practices that come forth from the Essenes. In guardianship of gnosis that the higher realms are accessible & obtainable from within. It is to know self : a system of mastery. The Kingdom is inside and once one establishes this :
Then the Kingdom it is at hand.
As humans on this earthly plane of existence, we are vulnerable to parasitic energies ( lower astral density) that can attach to us by way of; trauma, EMF, pesticides, un clean water, weather manipulation, vaccines, toxic food ect. This infringement can stagnate and create, invoke or enable energies like entities, consciousness, hooks, implants, portals to infringe on our bodies.
We can experience repetitive cycles of depletion in all bodies, as this infringement attaches and feeds because all bodies are congruent, expression is vast in discordance.
I am a Mother, farmer, Medicine Woman, an Oracle, a clear channel, intuitive, Alchemist and a Magician. I am also a certified Q.H.H.T. Hypnosis practitioner. In session I create and maintain a SAFE CONTAINER that the client may journey in theta to find the answers to the questions we seek. The history of the Universes is in our D.N.A. We as humans are some of the most beautifully and advanced technology in all the cosmos. We are truly elegant as co creators. We are light plasmaIN SESSION;
Connection is established with clients HIGHER SELF in a crystal clear and conscious manner. I will clear your chakras of any black magic or discordance, With the aid of the ELOHIM and DEITY we will look into the AKASH (your experience) or we can advance into what is perceived as the future. We can work with Deity.
We can gain understanding as a multidimensional being, to gain answers & clarity to dissolve & dismantle ongoing programs that create looping, disease or dysfunction. We can unplug from the false light matrix, reboot and restore.
When, or if infringement is present (entities, portals, hooks, cords, implants) we can address and remove such infringement and assist it to the appropriate dimensional space where it no longer has to persist in a parasitic relationship in order to exist. For all life is ascending here on Earth. its time to lend a helping hand! Other infringement can be transmuted back to SOURCE ENERGY.The Clients HIGHER SELF with the assistance of Deity and ancestral lineage has the ability to upgrade the D.N.A. and the timeline. We have seen phenomenal results in the physical body as a response to this deep healing. To resetting bio rhythms and maintaining harmonic frequencies within the bodies, to upgrade and resonate to higher frequencies. In turn more access to the Higher realms. We have seen disease dissolve. We have seen age regression. Bones regrow. All bodily systems can reset and optimize. When the ethereal body heals ALL fractals of you heal. We are multi dimensional beings.
THIS IS QUANTUM HEALING DARLING!This is DEEP personal Healing and it is an honor to assist in this work. I emphasize ASSIST because the clients IS doing the work as an Oracle and Magician I facilitate the space and mechanics of the session. It works because it is done with the utmost integrity, respect and most of all LOVE. WE ARE OUR GREATEST TEACHERS. We ARE fractal emanations of SOURCE ENERGY.
Blessings to you and all your relations!
Suki Star
333$ ( 2 hour session, can be done remotely) recorded for you
trades welcome
Divine Oracle readings
133$ (hour)
Organic pure Beeswax Candles
15$*art done by: JOHN WILLS